In the tracks of the champions

Piste olympique de bobsleigh La Plagne

At the 24th Winter Olympic Games that took place in Beijing from 4 to 20 February 2022, La Plagne was well represented with 11 of its champions selected. The excitement is still palpable in La Plagne and it is with enthusiasm and pride that the resort is joining the Terre de Jeux 2024 community.

France will be hosting the Olympic Games in 2024. Right from the bidding phase, Paris 2024 announced that these Games would belong to the whole of France. With the Terre de Jeux 2024 label, this promise is embodied in La Plagne and throughout France.

Sur les Traces des Champions (In the tracks of the Champions) will be starting in La Plagne from March 30 to April 2, 2022! La Plagne has joined forces with the Savoie department to pass on the values of sport to young people in Savoie, to introduce them to the mountain professions and to raise their awareness of sustainable development... Sur les traces des champions will take the form of 6 events between 2022 and 2024, during which our champions will invite you to locations connected with the Olympics, to experience the games and feel the emotions aroused by sport throughout France.


Sur les traces des champions


Sur les traces des champions : La plagne

Etape 1 : La Plagne

30 March to 2 April

Some 800 young people will be coming to La Plagne over the 4 days to discover the Olympic bobsleigh track, experience a bobraft descent and participate in different workshops. On the programme: nivology & safety / avalanche transceivers. They will also be able to attend a screening of the film Résilience about our athlete, champion and French flag bearer, Kévin Rolland, and put their questions to him after the film. Lastly, they will be made aware of the concept of sustainable development applied to the development of a ski area.


-Tour on the theme of sport and history: presentation of the different disciplines and machines, as well as the history of the resort
-Meeting with the athletes: presentation of their background and discussion
-Workshop on the theme of the Olympics
-Tour of the bobsleigh track: walking down the track with technical explanations
- Bobraft descent
-Nivology: conference about the profession of snow specialist – top of the Grande Rochette
-Avalanche safety: presentation by a safety patroller of the mountain hazards – top of the Grande Rochette
-Sustainable development: conference on the impact of ski lifts and the actions to be put in place - Salle Omnisport
-Tour of the heritage museum - Plagne Centre
-Screening: of Kévin Rolland’s film "Résilience" – Les Ecrins Cinema

La Plagne, terre de champion


Deze winter zul je het geweldig vinden!

Er is altijd een goede reden om naar La Plagne te komen ❤️